So my mind feels a little mushy after working through the math required of tax forms. One minute I'm on a it, getting it done... this form, then that one, then oops, oh I missed that line...redo. Anyway, between snacking on fruit and frozen pizza, I lost any inspiration to finish this s%&% "stuff" and now it's really becoming quite a drag.
As 2011 gets cranked up, I know a lot of us are clearing out the clutter in our lives. It's such a great feeling to get rid of junk. Whether you need to clear your closet, your garage, your desk, your colon...or your heart - don't be scared, go for it. I gathered up a ridiculous amount of stuff for donation. I was so embarrassed when I realized exactly how much stuff I had sitting around unused and useless. I had enough for my own little thrift store. Ridiculous. Just stuff wasting space. I reflect on the possibility that there's someone out there who can use some of the stuff I'm holding hostage here. Some items are easier to get rid of than others. Some may talk back or put up a little fight..or even continue to call you, or email.... but find peace in knowing that when you clear out the things that no longer serve you and your purpose, you're actually making space for something new and better. Also, once those blockages are gone, you can have a clear view of the stuff you really want to use.
i know what u talkin about suga, i'm always getting rid of da bs, Much Respect!