Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Starving Artists and Nickels

So as an update to my CD Baby rant/review, I did seek out and find where my song "Ride It-Changin' Lanes" was hiding amongst the digital distribution companies. As an independent artist, serious about perfecting the art of songwriting, I am like Bambi wandering through the woods of distribution looking for food. I did locate my debut single on several sites. I had no idea they had it up a few months ago [check "review of CD Baby"]. Anyway as an excuse to rejoice [or lament, depends on how you look at it] there was a financial report of my first nickel earned from a few ppl streaming the song at Zune and Rhapsody in December 2010. Cool,... I think. Well, the song's 7 streams on those 2 sites = .05, you do the math. I can't speak for all songwriters and/or recording artists, but for me, I write songs because I have something to say deep down and I'd like to touch someone somewhere. Maybe make you laugh, maybe make you cry, maybe make you feel a little sexy. ..And even though I am a struggling single mom, and a nickel won't buy the baby formula or diapers, one of the greatest payments for me came to me like this: I was out at a local spot [this past summer], checking out some tunes, incognito, and a girl comes up to me in the bathroom and says hi. I didn't recognize her at first b/c she'd changed her hair, then she started singing this song. It was a song she'd heard me working on with her bf, a local producer. She said how she loved that song and she had a special sparkle in her eyes as she sang it. She asked me to sing it for her friends...I declined, I hadn't heard it in a while and it was late hehe, I didn't want to scare them...but anyhow, that is what makes it all worthwhile.

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