Saturday, January 18, 2014

Last Minute Scrambling for Hercules @ the High

[Suga Lane's Banana Republic cashmere sweater & Encore jeans provided by]

Um Hummmm Hercules... Well once again the family made it out for a last minute scramble to grab some culture at the High Museum. I told myself the last time I happened to make it through there [the Dutch Masters] that next time I would opt to come during a weekday, long before the ending of an exhibit. I envisioned I'd walk through empty exhibit halls, admiring priceless pieces with a hint of selfish abandon. No, I didn't want to fight the crowds we were exposed to many months ago, on the last day of the Dutch Masters. Twenty people crowded around a tiny painting. The crowd suffocating the beautiful realism of the period's still life paintings, while the art instilled awe and reverence. [And me thinking that nobody paints like that today or knows how or has the time to]. Peeking around that person's head, while trying not to step on that person's foot. Basking in the urgency that presents itself in the face of impending loss. Yes, losing the chance to see that s*&% without purchasing a plane ticket. Of course the plus of going with the crowds is the high energy and excitement and the people watching. Anyway.. today, my mom made sure that 3 generations were gonna get some culture - The Art of the Louvre's Tuileries Garden exhibit! While we were waiting in traffic on 85, two hours prior to the museum close, it was clear that it would be easier to catch it now than to make a quick trip to France. The kids in the family, all iphoned and earpieced up in high energy chatter, even paused a moment to glance at the exhibit, I think.  Well, I most enjoyed the post-impressionist paintings My sister expected more statutes, but we both agreed Hercules was "interesting". I reflected on how the upcoming "Hercules" movie with Kellan Lutz was one I may actually go to the theater to see. And that's saying something, because I rarely venture off to the theater, but after seeing him in "Arena" recently on Netflix, I must say that's a nice piece of ... man. Um Hum. And I'm not into beefy muscular types, they usually scare me. I usually wonder to myself, well what if they're on steroids or some weird muscle builder that affects their brain and I say something they don't like and they get mad and... Nah I usually prefer the tall skinny weaker types that I can beat in an arm wrestling contest. Hehe, but Kellan you're the exception, protect me any day bay-bay

Luv for the Toilet Paparazzi

So with our home renovations, we've recently reached that point in our "this old house" episode where we've replaced two of our toilets. These were albeit original to the house and slow moving water guzzling low sitting little buddies. Yea! so we picked up some energy efficient extra height slim from Lowes and set out the old ones for any garbage rummagers.  They still are workable, just not for us. Recycling is laudable and plausible. I live by this belief and even make a nice business of recycling both new and vintage clothing and furnishings Anyway, one of my 'too close for comfort' paparazzi / HOA members chose to take a shot of these cast offs in an effort to send yet another aggravating HOA letter. Yeah, my stalker HOA loves sending harassing letters, about just about anything, at least once a month. I'm soooo lucky. Geez get a life wilya. Here's an excerpt:

"Yesterday [you] placed two toilets in [your] driveway thinking that the [city] trash would pick them up.  As you can see from the pictures they did not.  I need you to remove these immediately from your driveway.  Please make other arrangements to dispose of them.  With this email I am letting you know that the Association will assert self-help and you will be assessed the charges if the association removes these toilets.
[HOA & property management]"

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fun Night Out @ The Georgia Entertainment Awards

[Suga Lane's Casadei dress provided by Abby Essie Boutique]

When I received a last minute invitation to the 2nd Annual Georgia Entertainment Gala, I was hesitant. I really hadn't gone out in a while and wasn't sure if I was in the mood to go anywhere. All I do is work, between my antique business and renovating my home. Since I've gained a bit of weight, I didn't know what I was going to wear. The question was, "What dress could I squeeze into, with my 15 or so extra pounds?". Luckily, my mom was on hand to zip me up, because it was a struggle...

The event was held @ The Georgia World Congress Center and well attended. There was some sort of 20s theme going on, which some party goers bought into - the feathered headgear and drop waist gowns. The beautiful Atlanta crowd proved a glittering display of all types... ah, entertainers ie. actors, models, media types, all dressed to the nines. Two drinks were included with your ticket, but we soon found out there was only vodka with a choice of 2 juices... so the bar was lacking. The hor d'oeuvres consisted of three renditions of cake: vanilla cake pops, red-velvet cake pops and sheet cake... I got what I thought was chocolate covered strawberries, only to be disgusted by the gluten infested insides. They had wine, but had ran out by the time I realized they had it. The vodka was also gone. They didn't have no drinks or nuthin' to eat, so I's bout' ready to go [notice triple negative]. The hosts were cool, but the teleprompter, not. The hosts were Tyler Lepley and Abigail Spencer. Some actor off of Tyler Perry's "The Haves and Have Nots" [never seen it or heard of it, but he was cute so I'll check it out]. The guy was funny,  even with the technical difficulties, but the girl was kind of dry.

1. The Young Artist Award - Maggie Jones (super cute)
2. The Georgia Interactive Award - Brian Michael-Cox,
3. One of the winners of the GA Highlight Award winners, Xernona Clayton (Trumpet Awards Founder & Civil Rights Activist)
4. One of the winners of the Outstanding Contribution to Georgia  Entertainment - Laura Turner Seydel (Environmentalist, Very Inspiring speech)
5. Prince Impersonator (I missed his performance, but heard he was great... I was out of the auditorium with most of the audience, looking for food or drinks)
6. Several pretty decent djs