Saturday, January 18, 2014

Luv for the Toilet Paparazzi

So with our home renovations, we've recently reached that point in our "this old house" episode where we've replaced two of our toilets. These were albeit original to the house and slow moving water guzzling low sitting little buddies. Yea! so we picked up some energy efficient extra height slim from Lowes and set out the old ones for any garbage rummagers.  They still are workable, just not for us. Recycling is laudable and plausible. I live by this belief and even make a nice business of recycling both new and vintage clothing and furnishings Anyway, one of my 'too close for comfort' paparazzi / HOA members chose to take a shot of these cast offs in an effort to send yet another aggravating HOA letter. Yeah, my stalker HOA loves sending harassing letters, about just about anything, at least once a month. I'm soooo lucky. Geez get a life wilya. Here's an excerpt:

"Yesterday [you] placed two toilets in [your] driveway thinking that the [city] trash would pick them up.  As you can see from the pictures they did not.  I need you to remove these immediately from your driveway.  Please make other arrangements to dispose of them.  With this email I am letting you know that the Association will assert self-help and you will be assessed the charges if the association removes these toilets.
[HOA & property management]"

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